Help. Suggest idea
Apr 22, 2012 EdgeRouter - VLAN-Aware Switch – Ubiquiti Networks Support The VLAN-aware switch feature is used place the traffic from hosts and wireless networks in different VLANs. The VLAN-aware switch feature allows the EdgeRouter to tag and untag VLANs on different switch-ports. This is done by grouping the Ethernet ports under the switch0 interface and adding the VLAN values to the switch-ports. Untangle running on ESXi sending tagged VLAN to Cisco int Gi1/0/25 switchport mode access switchport access vlan 201 When plugging my computer into port 25, I get no network connectivity (and am given a 169.254.*) address. Aside from this configuration, I have also tried setting the VLAN ID to 0 (None) and 4095 (All), and I have also tried setting up a VLAN interface in Untangle. However, I am not
pfSense or Untangle | [H]ard|Forum
Jun 12, 2017 Untangle Command Center
The Untangle Network Security Framework provides IT teams with the ability to ensure protection, monitoring and control for all devices, applications, and events, enforcing a consistent security posture across the entire digital attack surface—putting IT back in control of dispersed networks, hybrid cloud environments, and IoT and mobile devices.
int Gi1/0/25 switchport mode access switchport access vlan 201 When plugging my computer into port 25, I get no network connectivity (and am given a 169.254.*) address. Aside from this configuration, I have also tried setting the VLAN ID to 0 (None) and 4095 (All), and I have also tried setting up a VLAN interface in Untangle. However, I am not