People change, our tastes evolve, and periodically deleting your outdated content history is like giving your YouTube, Google Play, or even Google Podcast recommendations a refresh based on your

May 14, 2019 Delete History Free - How to Clear all the Browsing How to Delete Google browsing History. To delete the history it on all parts of your searches of your account you have many activity controls. These are the steps: Locate "My Activity". At the upper right, select 'More' and then 'Clear activity by'. Under "Clear by date," scroll down and tap on 'All time'. How Do I Delete Google History On My Android Phone? - OS Today To delete your entire history, tap on the three-dot menu at the top right corner of the My Activity page, and select “Delete activity by.” Hit “All time,” and your activity will disappear. Once deleted, Google won’t use that data as part of your profile.

People change, our tastes evolve, and periodically deleting your outdated content history is like giving your YouTube, Google Play, or even Google Podcast recommendations a refresh based on your

Sep 20, 2018

How to Clear Your History in Any Browser

To delete your entire history, tap on the three-dot menu at the top right corner of the My Activity page, and select “Delete activity by.” Hit “All time,” and your activity will disappear. Once deleted, Google won’t use that data as part of your profile.