Samba服务的配置总结 - 散尽浮华 - 博客园
Download. The Samba source code is distributed via https. View the download area via HTTPS.The file you probably want is called samba-latest.tar.gz.Old releases are available in the Samba archives.. The Samba distribution GPG public key can be used to verify that current releases have not been tampered with. Using GnuPG, simply download the Samba source distribution, the tarball signature, and 19.4. Configuring a Samba Server - MIT 2007-9-6 · To configure Samba using a graphical interface, use the Samba Server Configuration Tool.For command line configuration, skip to Section 19.4.2, “Command Line Configuration”.. The Samba Server Configuration Tool is a graphical interface for managing Samba shares, users, and basic server settings. It modifies the configuration files in the /etc/samba/ directory. 搭建samba服务器 - 知乎 2019-9-25 · 原文可见:搭建samba服务器 - Jiajun的编程随想 由于网上的配置都是非常多而且乱,所以我自己翻了一下manual,整理了一份自己的配置。 我需要在Windows和Linux之间共享文件,Samba是UNIX下的CIFS实现,也就是让Lin…
Beginners Guide to Samba (Installation and Configuration
2020-7-21 · Samba server smb.conf configuration file. Example of Samba Server Configuration file on Fedora server, smb.conf located in /etc/samba/smb.conf directory. Example of smb.conf config file: # This is the main Samba configuration file. You should read the # smb.conf(5) manual page in order to understand the options listed # here. Samba server config - Slow streaming video / Networking 2016-3-1
20.04 - 备份未运行,Storage location not available using samba server as target问题:来自testparm -s的输出 Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.confLoaded services file OK.Server role: ROLE_STANDALONE#
samba配置文件smb.conf详解 | 坏蛋的博客
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